Alycia and Joe wanted a vintage wedding with fun and playful accents. She loved the backyard wedding theme and wanted to incorporate that intimate feeling but with a lot more guests.
She achieved that and more!!!We had so much fun planning and creating just the right touches.
The arch was probably the most challenging. We had scoured the Internet and magazines trying to find the perfect decoration for their ceremony. With a armful of printouts, we figured it out! Something completely different and yet simple and elegant and ethereal... stained glass. I contacted Sue at Maiden Glass and she created a beautiful accent piece for us. One huge request, it had to have hearts in it! Not an easy feat to be sure. She did it. We hung the beautiful bevel art piece in the middle, draped ivory chiffon on the top and sides. We then added two floral "tie backs" for a simple yet gorgeous backdrop for their wedding. My pictures don't do the artwork justice at all I am sorry to say. I will post more when I receive them from the photographer!!!
Joe helped us with the theme by carving Mr. & Mrs. out of wood for their head table. We suspended them with ribbon and then added an old croqueted lace table cloth, their family Wedding photos, old candle holders and vintage bottles filled with flowers. Thank you JOE!!
My absolute favorite was her guest book or rather her guest QUILT!!
She had cut fabric squares for everyone to sign with colored fabric pens! Each guest picked their favorite colored fabric and pen to write that special wish for the Bride and Groom! I Loved it!!!
The note in the typewriter was a thank you to all the guests and an explanation that Grandma was going to
take all the squares, sew them together and make their wedding keepsake; a warm and beautiful quilt!!! Thank you so much Grandma!!!
We added a stack of books, a strand of pearls, a vintage satin glove box with brown gloves (that matched her theme colors of course!) and an old oil lamp to complete this amazing table!
Instead of the traditional cake, they decided on a delicious Croquembouche! It was proudly displayed on a table that was layered with vintage lace of white and ivories. In the background, we added flower filled canning jars wired to old frames and washboards. Votive candles were added and presto, her theme shined through.
Thank you Alycia and Joe! It all came together and I loved it!!! Thanks again!