I posted previously that at the Jones Victorian Estate was a photographer's dream come true.
With so many locations and just the tiniest bit of creativity,
the photographs come out spectacular.
I just received a Facebook post from Travis and Susan Moore sharing
their great photos that I did not have!!!
AND, more locations!!
Thank you so much for the photos. They are beautiful.
This is from behind the Waterfalls. A new perspective and oh so beautiful!
The meadow in full summertime bloom. The wild mustard is a sight to see as well as an breathtaking backdrop.
And... fun in the palm farm. That's right! Our parking lot is lined with gorgeous palm tree forest.
Now that's a backdrop no one has!!
Come see for yourself!
Let us help you with your special day to make it special to you!
Michelle Gregory
the Jones Victorian Estate
(714) 744-1608